When it comes to camping, there are a lot of different pieces of gear you need. But what is the best camping gear? There’s no easy answer because people have different preferences and budgets. That said, here are some items that you find useful when you go camping.
The first item on this list is tents. You can get them in all shapes and sizes, but most campers prefer one-person tents or two-person tents for couples who want more privacy than friends typically do. Another common piece of equipment is sleeping bags – which come in both down and synthetic varieties – while another popular item for bedding is air mattresses or cots with foam pads or inflatable pillows attached to them.
You could spend hours browsing the camping gear section of your local sporting goods store. There are so many options available, and it can be hard to know what you need. We’re here to help you find out which items will make your next outdoor adventure more comfortable and enjoyable.
This blog is all about the best camping gear. Here we have recommendations on tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, camp stoves and more. This blog post will guide you through everything you need to know before your next big outdoor adventure.
Best Air Mattress| Air Bed in NZ
Best Portable Power Station nz
Table of Contents
How to choose Camping Gear for you
Packing for camping is all about balance and knowing when to pack your supplies. You will need plenty of sleeping bags, pillows (including outdoorsy ones), camp chairs or buckets- yes even if you’re going on an excursion in which case it can get hot outside. But remember that this isn’t just about what goes into the bag with you but also how much weight each piece takes before it’s too heavy to carry with you while hiking through forests during rainstorms at night time – always be prepared with quality gear no matter what Mother Nature throws way.
If you want to enjoy your camping trip in the colder months, make sure that your sleeping bag and tent are both rated for temperatures above freezing. Investing in thick layers will keep you warm even during wintertime when other people start bundling up on their way out of doors.
A sunny day can quickly turn into a rainy one, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon your camping plans. Make sure to pack rain-appropriate gear and an extra tarp in case of unexpected showers on the horizon. Consider picking up some fishing line as well. It’s perfect for drying clothes or hanging them out if things get really wet while waiting out those pesky drizzles before they end throughout the afternoon.
Pack your tent and sleeping bag to stay comfortable in any weather, but remember that it can get cold at night sometimes. Pack layers for when you need them most- make sure there’s a hat with protection from UV rays; clothes made of moisture-wicking material like cotton will do wonders.
The Best Camping Gears NZ
1. Dome Camping Tent 2 Person
This tent is a great choice for camping and hiking. It is one of the most important camping gear. This tent has double-layer 20D Wire Grid Nylon Plaids, waterproof index: PU coating, breathable mesh and also comes with tent poles made of Aluminium Alloy. The tent is easy to set up and take down and very roomy for two people. This tent can be folded into a small size for easy carrying, so it’s convenient for hiking, climbing or other outdoor activities.
2. Zakka Ultralight Foot Press Inflatable Air Mattress
This is an inflatable sleeping pad for camping, backpacking, hiking and other outdoor activities. It is made of thick non-toxic 40d nylon material with thermoform sealing and TPU coating. The mattress has a waterproof & durable design to ensure you a comfortable sleep in the wild. It will be inflated in 30 seconds after pumping up the built-in air pump at the bottom. Once deflated, this mattress can be folded into a small size that fits into your backpack or suitcase for easy carrying. This lightweight camping gear features a compact design for convenient use.
3. Jetboil STASH
The Jetboil Stash is a great addition to your camping gear. This compact and lightweight stove is perfect for the camper who wants to be able to cook on the go. The Jetboil Stash has a unique design that allows you to cook, boil water and even heat up food all in one pot.
This Camping Stove is an innovative cooking system that allows campers or hikers to cook with ease. It includes a titanium burner, and 8L FluxRing Cook Pot and it also comes with an integrated handle so you can easily carry it around while you are camping.
4. Outdoor Camping Cookware 
This is one of the most popular outdoor camping cookware sets. It is made of good-quality materials and it comes with everything you need to enjoy a great meal outdoors. The handles are very comfortable, they don’t get hot when cooking on the stove or over the fire.
This outdoor camping great is made of aluminium alloy, lightweight and portable, suitable for 2-3 people. It comes with complete accessories like a spatula, bowl and cleaning scrubber. The materials are safe to use and easy to clean.
5. Camp Ultralight Collapsible Camping Chair 
The Black And Gold Camp Chair Ultralight Collapsible is an essential piece of gear for camping. It can be folded and carried easily. The nylon fabric is breathable and makes the user comfortable. The folding chair will make your trip more enjoyable, you can enjoy nature with this lightweight and portable folding chair. This product has a convenient carrying bag that makes it easy to carry around when going on a trip or during outdoor activities. Its sturdy legs will provide a stable seat for you when sitting down or relaxing in the sun.
6. Osprey Hydraulics 3L Reservoir
Hydrostatic backer plates are the perfect solution for any adventure that requires water access. These handy devices provide structure, an easy slide seal design with a wide opening that provides a tight fit and seals watertight to keep your drink cool all day long or allow you on a mission longer than expected without feeling thirsty.
The pour shield helps make filing easier in shallower sinks by extending collar size when pouring into pots & bottles while the carrying handle allows quick reservoir management so you can carry as many liquid supplies as needed before the launch date; the magnet clip attaches securely onto included sternum strap making it super simple attachable anywhere desired- even upside down if needed.
7. Portable Espresso Coffee Machine
This is a portable coffee maker that can be used anywhere with the power of a USB. It’s very simple to operate, all you need to do is press one button and your coffee will start making. The stainless steel construction makes it easy to clean.
8. Water Tank Caravan Camping Container
This wheel water tank is made of high-density polyethene (HDPE). It can be used for outdoor activities. It has a handle and two wheels, which makes it convenient to carry and easy to clean. You can use it as a large container for storing drinking water when you are camping or hiking. The space in the middle is designed especially for placing a flexible pipe and faucet so that you don’t have to worry about losing them.
10. Portable Power Supply
This is a portable power supply. It can be used to charge your cell phones, tablets and other devices when you are camping, hiking or in the car. It has 3 DC points and 3 USB ports with 42000mAh of capacity! The lithium-ion battery will last for several hours on a single charge. With its compact design, this power supply comes with a carrying handle that makes it easy to carry around. You can use it as a bright LED camping light if you need some extra light while camping at night. This is an all-in-one solution for your camping.
9. Black Naturehike Camping Folding Table
The Black Nature Hiking Camping Folding Table is a lightweight and portable camping table that can be used for a variety of outdoor activities. The aluminium alloy frame makes the table very stable, easy to set up, and easy to carry. It folds up easily so you can take it with you on your next trip.
11. Topeak Hexus X Folding Tool
The Topeak Hexus X Folding Tool is a compact 21-function multi-tool that can handle most adjustment and repair jobs on the road. It’s lightweight, weighing only 170g, but it packs a lot of utility into a small package. The tool includes a hex 2/2.5/3/4/5/6 and 8mm Torx T15/T25/T30 driver, as well as a 12-speed chain breaker with a pin extractor for quick removal of damaged links from chains
12. Fenix TK45 Torch
The Fenix TK45 is a compact and powerful flashlight that delivers up to 760 lumens. It features multi-level brightness levels plus a strobe mode, making it ideal for a wide range of uses from close-quarter self-defence to searching for something in the dark. This flashlight is made of durable aircraft-grade aluminium.
13. Travel First Aid Kit
Travel First Aid Kit is a compact first aid kit that holds antiseptic wipes, plasters, bandages and other equipment and materials to treat common, minor, everyday injuries. The Travel First Aid Kit has a compact design with a carrying handle for easy portability. It is one of the essential camping gear which helps you with minor cuts or injuries.
14. Flushing System 20L Tank Portable Toilet
The New Flushing System 20L Water Tank Outdoor Portable Toilet is the ideal solution for campers, hunters, hikers, and even for your home. It is compact, lightweight and easy to carry around. This toilet can be set up in minutes without the need for any tools. The integrated no-splash design helps you avoid waste spillage. It has a double-sealed drain valve that provides up to 50 flushes. This camping gear large capacity water tank provides an extended period of use before needing to be refilled with water.
15. ACR ResQLink 400 GPS PLB
The ResQLink is a compact, lightweight, waterproof personal locator beacon that provides you with the peace of mind of knowing help is on the way in the event of an emergency. It’s small enough to fit inside almost anything so it can be taken anywhere. It has a powerful signal that reaches further than other PLBs, increasing your chances of rescue. It also works well even in heavy tree cover or deep canyons where other signals can not reach.